The Largest Fungi Bioblitz in North America’s History.
Latest observations:
Most Valuable Player Award
Combined score for spotting and correct IDs.
Prize: 1 Spirit NFT and 1 Encounter NFT from + a NorthSpore Grow Kit of your choice and a NorthSpore t-shirt.
Champion Identifier - Highest score from correct IDs provided by an individual.
Prize: 1 Spirit NFT and 1 Encounter NFT from
Champion Spotter - Highest score from eligible sightings provided by an individual.
Prize: 1 Spirit NFT and 1 Encounter NFT from
Best Find - Highest scoring individual sighting
Prize: 1 Spirit NFT and 1 Encounter NFT from
Guardians of Earth Spirit
- One of your fungi sightings to be immortalised among the first GoE Spirits.
- The Spirit represents a celebration of the collective efforts of all biodiversity mappers.
- GoE players will enjoy collecting your mystical Spirit within the game world - as they explore the real-world. Your sighting will help inspire a new generation of nature mappers.
- You’ll own a unique ‘Spirit NFT’ based on your sighting and have the opportunity to sell it to other players or NFT collectors.
Guardians of Earth Encounter
- One of your fungi sightings to be immortalised as a GoE Encounter.
- The Encounter represents your verified moment of connection with a unique specimen in the real world and your direct contribution to the mission of saving life on Earth through biodiversity mapping.
- GoE players will collect Encounters to benefit from their powers of in-game resource generation and teleportation.
- You’ll own a unique ‘Encounter NFT’ based on your sighting and have the opportunity to sell it to other players or NFT collectors.
Only one prize per player. In the event of a player winning multiple categories, the prize(s) will be awarded to the second place player(s).
Sponsored by Guardians of Earth, an extended-reality (XR), Play-Earn-Protect (PEP) adventure game where you explore virtual worlds and compete to help save life on Earth - both in the virtual world and IN the REAL world By MAPPING AND ACCOUNTING FOR EVERY SPECIES ON OUR PLANET.
Spirit NFTs and Encounter NFTs will be awarded to the winners. See for more info.
From September 12 to October 15, participate in a bonus online mushroom hunt by finding the mushrooms (and codes) on the websites of all our partners. Add all codes to this form, for your chance to win a weekly prize. For more information on this contest, visit contest rules and prizes.