The Largest Fungi Bioblitz in North America’s History.







Latest observations:


    Most Valuable Player Award
    Combined score for spotting and correct IDs.
    Prize: 1 Spirit NFT and 1 Encounter NFT from + a NorthSpore Grow Kit of your choice and a NorthSpore t-shirt.

    Champion Identifier - Highest score from correct IDs provided by an individual.
    Prize: 1 Spirit NFT and 1 Encounter NFT from

    Champion Spotter Highest score from eligible sightings provided by an individual.
    Prize: 1 Spirit NFT and 1 Encounter NFT from

    Best Find - Highest scoring individual sighting
    Prize: 1 Spirit NFT and 1 Encounter NFT from

    Guardians of Earth Spirit
    - One of your fungi sightings to be immortalised among the first GoE Spirits.
    - The Spirit represents a celebration of the collective efforts of all biodiversity mappers.
    - GoE players will enjoy collecting your mystical Spirit within the game world - as they explore the real-world. Your sighting will help inspire a new generation of nature mappers.
    - You’ll own a unique ‘Spirit NFT’ based on your sighting and have the opportunity to sell it to other players or NFT collectors.

    Guardians of Earth Encounter
    - One of your fungi sightings to be immortalised as a GoE Encounter.
    - The Encounter represents your verified moment of connection with a unique specimen in the real world and your direct contribution to the mission of saving life on Earth through biodiversity mapping.
    - GoE players will collect Encounters to benefit from their powers of in-game resource generation and teleportation.
    - You’ll own a unique ‘Encounter NFT’ based on your sighting and have the opportunity to sell it to other players or NFT collectors.

    Only one prize per player. In the event of a player winning multiple categories, the prize(s) will be awarded to the second place player(s).

    Sponsored by Guardians of Earth, an extended-reality (XR), Play-Earn-Protect (PEP) adventure game where you explore virtual worlds and compete to help save life on Earth - both in the virtual world and IN the REAL world By MAPPING AND ACCOUNTING FOR EVERY SPECIES ON OUR PLANET.


    Guardian of the Fungi -



    Spirit NFTs and Encounter NFTs will be awarded to the winners. See for more info.


    From September 12 to October 15, participate in a bonus online mushroom hunt by finding the mushrooms (and codes) on the websites of all our partners. Add all codes to this form, for your chance to win a weekly prize. For more information on this contest, visit contest rules and prizes.