We’re working with the City Nature Challenge to ensure all your community’s nature data counts toward the annual event, no matter which app your citizens wish to use.

BioSMART collects the data from multiple apps and combines them into a single, clean (no duplicates), standardised score for your city.

BioSMART then automatically feeds the scores to the City Nature Challenge platform for you.

This way your citizens can choose to participate in the City Nature Challenge using whichever app they are most comfortable with, allowing greater inclusion and maximising participation in a wonderful citizen science event.

Add your city to the BioSMART network. We’ll get you set up with a website and a data feed directly to the CNC.


Apps included in the CNC BioSMART network:


When is the CNC and how do we include BioSMART?

Fill in the form above and we’ll get you set up. We will provide a webpage and will deliver the data directly to the CNC. For more information about the CNC, go to

We’ve already selected an app for the CNC. Can we continue with the one we selected?

Absolutely. If the app is part of the BioSMART network, then nothing changes. You can continue to promote that app as you normally would and you don’t need to promote any other app. If the app is not part of the BioSMART network, you can apply to have it added.

What’s the advantage of BioSMART if we’ve already selected an app?

Your city will get credit for the combined total, regardless of which app is used - therefore receiving full credit for, and enhancing participation in, the citizen science in your community.

Is there any cost to enrol with BioSMART?


What about data privacy issues? Anything we should worry about?

No, we don’t collect any personal information, only the open observations data which is already publicly available. And we follow the copyright requirements of each individual observation, as offered by the app it was submitted on.

Who owns BioSMART?

BioSMART was initiated by EarthGuardians.LIFE to address the need for aggregation of biodiversity data across multiple platforms, for example in events like the City Nature Challenge or the Christmas Bird Count. It is governed by the contribution of the participating nature apps.

What’s in it for BioSMART?

We are doing this because we feel citizen science communities should receive full credit for their work that already exists in their cities, whatever app is being used. This increases involvement and produces even more biodiversity data. By combining the activities of multiple citizen science apps, we hope to encourage greater inclusion and the best possible results for science.